Caryl’s GDC talk:

To begin with, these are the three key points that I will be reflecting on from Caryl’s talk:

  1. Company values & missions
  2. Preparation stage (interviews/researching)
  3. Personal preferences

Caryl has worked in the technology field for 20 years, 11 of which have been in the games industry. Her Game Developer Conference (GDC) talk, titled ‘Finding your place in the games industry’, details how to detect a company culture that’s right for you. I was drawn to this talk after realising that I hadn’t given much thought to the type of company I’d like to work for once I graduate. Shaw emphasises that only an individual can truly ascertain what best suits them. It’s important to keep in mind that there is no ‘one size fits all’ in this instance.

Company values and missions were a key point of discussion during this career seminar. Choosing a workplace that holds strong visions and goals which you deeply resonate with can be challenging, but extremely rewarding. With this in mind, I spent some time finding value and mission statements that I felt were most meaningful to me.

Though the importance of well thought out principles should not be understated, Caryl stresses that it is just as important, if not more, for studios to embody their company ethos through the products they produce and the environments they foster.

The second matter I’d like to reflect on is the preparation stage before joining a company. Initial research could potentially save you several disappointing years at an establishment that doesn’t work for you. Some good resources to find information when entering the industry include Glassdoor, LinkedIn, Google, Reddit, and the company website itself. Reaching out to current and ex-employees will give you a strong indication of what it is like to work for any company. Caryl reassuringly mentions that people are usually willing to share their experiences - so don’t be afraid to ask!

Shaw also highlights the benefits of asking questions during the interview process. Some great examples include:

Having appropriate queries for a potential employer will allow you to identify what their work culture is and what they prioritise. This will help judge whether to join a company or continue looking for alternative option