Thursday 21st October 2021

‘Barclays Eagle Lab Southampton are helping support and nature Games talent in the South. Mark will talk about what they do and the support they provide for you if you wish to venture into game making. The offer a host of services including free monthly games talk from the industry.’

Business plans - writing this up even if you're not employed is a good idea

Business canvas models - help to see what plans are, future goals

What is your mission? Your passion? How can you make sure you present this in your business?

They support anyone who is looking to grow in their business - can be single founder

What does Barclays get? Way to keep their name in city centres - way to keep the economy going - Making sure businesses are growing - Giving back to businesses

Games = underloved industry but it's the largest and makes the most money - not given the credit

Don't try to do it all in one go - break it down into manageable chunks

Take advantage of the free help