
phase 3 pressentation_1.mp4

Presentation file download:

Feedback from presentation:

presentation3 feed back.pdf

Reflecting on feedback:

I was happy with the feedback given from the class during my presentation. Including prototypes for each idea was beneficial and allowed others to understand the games better. I was advised that the drawing game might be too complicated to take forward because of technical limitations and lack of time. It was the game idea that I was most excited about, but after giving it some thought, I do agree that the scope is too large. The puzzle platformer wasn’t favoured highly and I believe that this is because it seemed quite generic and boring. Alternatively, the pet simulator had a surprisingly positive reaction and the class was excited about the it. However, it did occur to me, after reading the feedback, that pet simulators are very common and straightforward. I would have to find a way to incorporate my theme of CBAT in a creative way to add a uniqueness to my game.

Overall votes:

  1. Drawing game = 6
  2. Puzzle platformer = 1
  3. Pet simulator =10

Final decision:

I was struggling to decide between the top two votes - drawing game and pet simulator. On one hand, the game would be too complex and I’d have to spend a lot of time refining the idea. On the other hand, the game would be too basic and I’d have to find a way to make it more individual.

In the end, I went with the latter option. It’ll be a lot easier and time-efficient if I built up the game idea so I can manage what is required for it, in comparison to taking several aspects out of the original idea as the main essence can easily be lost.

Animals already have a strong link to well-being so there’s a relevant crossover, making it a suitable game genre to pick.

I’m planning to talk to Emma about her thoughts on this game idea and see if she has any suggestions about how to incorporate my theme of CBAT.

Edit: Development of the pet simulator idea with Emma can be found here.