
"Using design as a tool to create not only things but ideas, to speculate about possible futures."

-Dunne & Raby

Speculate Everything


“[Speculative design] thrives on imagination and aims to open up new perspectives on what are sometimes called wicked problems, to create spaces for discussion and debate about alternative ways of being, and to inspire and encourage people’s imaginations to flow freely. Design speculations can act as a catalyst for collectively redefining our relationship to reality.”

According to Dunne and Raby, designers shouldn’t just address issues of today, but also take a look into the future and ask, “How can we address future challenges with design?”


Workshop 1

It the morning we were tasked to approach our topics with an alternative perspective as if it doesn't exist and no one knows about it. My task was to create a headline for a newspaper to introduce CBT to the world. We approached this by collaging old magazines and news articles.


Below is the outcome of my collage. This was more difficult than I thought it would be as there were surprisingly not many articles that covered mental health to begin with. This forced me to be creative with different images and text that I could find which I then combined with my own typography. It reads:

Stop thinking negatively. Instead take control.

Along with this, I added some decorative text:

"Mental illness"


"PTSD, anxiety, depression, OCD"

"Cognitive expertise"

"Cognitive counselling"

"Cognitive engagement"